Find out all about Hearthstone at gamescom 2013

Find out all about Hearthstone at gamescom 2013

Get ready for Blizzard’s newest game! Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft will be playable in public for the first time ever in Europe at gamescom ahead of its release later this year.

You can try the game out for yourself at the Blizzard booth, but there’s stuff on the stage that will interest you too. We’ll have several sessions throughout the show when Blizzard employees will play each other on the stage and demonstrate their (hopefully clever) tactics, and our host will try to make sense of them for you!

With the whole Warcraft universe to draw on, Hearthstone is incredibly rich visually. That’s why we’ve also invited Hearthstone Lead Artist Ben Thompson to gamescom to demonstrate how he has created some of the character and board artwork – he’s going to be conjuring up brand-new art live on stage, and you can watch his creations take shape on the big screen.

Check the schedule to find out exact timings of these activities, and don’t miss your chance to be among the first people in Europe to get into Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft!