Claiming Your Sarge's Tale

Updated: 1 year ago
Article ID: 296410

Common Problems

How do I get the Sarge's Tale mount?

Sarge's Tale is Harth's loveable mousey sidekick, straight from the Hearthstone® tavern. Sarge's tale is an epic mount in World of Warcraft® that we are giving to Hearthstone® players. To get your very own Sarge's Tale, you need to complete the Hearthstone Mercenaries prologue and begin one new Bounty of their own.

Get Hearthstone!

Once you have completed the prologue and have started a new Bounty, Sarge's Tale is added to your Mount Journal in World of Warcraft as an unopened present. Select the present and click Unwrap to add the mount to your collection.

Note: There may be a delay before you receive your mount. In some cases, it may take several hours to arrive.

If you still don't see your mount, try the following steps:

  1. Log out of the desktop app and all game clients.
  2. Start the desktop app and log in to Hearthstone.
  3. Log out of Hearthstone, then into World of Warcraft. Check your mail for the mount.