Hearthstone Purchase Failed Error on a Mobile Device

Updated: 1 year ago
Article ID: 148129

Common Problems

Purchase Failed
We were unable to process your mobile purchase.

Hearthstone purchases on iOS devices are tied to a single Apple ID, regardless of how many Battle.net accounts this Apple ID is associated with.

If you attempt to purchase an item from a Battle.net Account, and you've already purchased that item from another Battle.net Account with the same Apple ID, you will see an iOS message that says "You've already purchased this. Would you like to get it again for free?" Clicking OK will lead to a Purchase Failed error.

To solve this problem, either buy the product through the Battle.net Shop on your computer, or use a different Apple ID.

If your purchases fail on Android:

  1. Clear the cache of your Google Play Services and Google Play Store.
  2. Make sure all the information in the payment method saved on your Google Play Store account is accurate.
  3. Make sure your payment method has enough funds, including applicable taxes and any fees set by your payment provider.
  4. Restart your device and try again.

If the issue persists, contact Google Play support or buy the product through the Battle.net Shop on your computer.