To gift a Blizzard product to a friend, select the product in the Shop and click Gift instead of Buy Now.

On the next screen, you can choose to enter your friend's BattleTag or email address, depending on what you are wanting to gift. Not all games/products can be gifted via email address.


We’ll send the gift to your friend’s App. Your friend can claim the gift on the app or by logging to My Gifts.

To gift something to a BattleTag friend, you must have been friends for at least three days.


We’ll send a code to your friend via email. If you make a mistake and you enter the wrong email address, you will find the code on your Transaction History page once payment for your order is complete. You can copy this code and send it to your friend.

Your friend can claim the code by logging to their Account Management. If your gift is a World of Warcraft item, your friend must have a World of Warcraft account.

Some products can only be gifted to BattleTag friends and don’t give the option to email a code.


  • Gifts are only sent once payment for your order is complete—payments can take 24 hours to process. You can check your order status in your Transaction History page.
  • Gifting may be restricted for some products, payment methods, or currencies. If you don’t see the Gift button, you can Gift Balance instead. If you want to gift World of Warcraft subscription, you can gift game time instead.
  • It is not possible to gift products across platforms. For example, you cannot buy a gift in the Shop for a friend who plays on console. Similarly, if you play on console, you can only gift through your console's store (Xbox, PSN, Nintendo) to friends who play on your same platform.