What to do if you didn't receive a Hearthstone product after purchasing it on the Battle.net Shop or in-game on a desktop computer
Hearthstone items purchased on a mobile device were not delivered in the game.
Information on missing card packs or other content from a pre-purchase of a Hearthstone expansion.
All sales in Hearthstone are final. Please double-check your order before you enter your password to finalize your payment.
What to do if you purchased a product that shortly after went on sale
Why you may not receive a guaranteed legendary after opening ten Hearthstone packs
What to do if you didn't receive card pack rewards after participating in Choose Your Champion
Unlike card packs, the Mini-Set cards are delivered straight to your Hearthstone Collection, you don't have to open them!
Prices in the Apple Appstore are set by Apple, not by Blizzard.