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Can't turn in Thunderaan the Windseeker

Actualizado: hace 2 años
ID de artículo: 138495

Problemas comunes

  • Can't turn in Thunderaan the Windseeker, the NPC isn't there
  • It says I have all the quest credit, but won't let me turn it in

If you have begun leveling through the Broken Isles, Silithus will be phased for you. Speak with Zidormi to change phasing in area so you can turn in the quest.

If the quest criteria are showing complete but you cannot turn in the quest, confirm that you have all of the Enchanted Elementium Bars in your inventory. Enchanted Elementium Bars that have been sold to a vendor, destroyed, or added to void storage will trigger the criteria, but will not allow you to turn the quest in. Be sure you have all 10 in your bags.