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Error 5001 – Unable to Add Friends

Zaktualizowano: 6 mies. temu
ID artykułu: 133549

Najczęstsze problemy

  • When I try to send a friend invite, I get an internal error 5001
  • I'm unable to send out any friend requests
  • I cannot add friends

If you cannot send any new friend requests, try cancelling the pending ones:

  1. Open the Blizzard Battle.net application
  2. Open the friends list
  3. Click the cogwheel icon
  4. Choose View Sent Friend Requests
  5. Cancel pending friend requests
Once the above is complete, try resending the friend request.

If you still cannot send the friend requests, please submit a new Bug report.

Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they'll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.