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Can I Pay With My PayPal Balance?

Zaktualizowano: 8 mies. temu
ID artykułu: 206038

Najczęstsze problemy

  • I have funds in my PayPal account, can I use them on the Battle.net Shop?
  • Want to pay with my PayPal balance but I'm asked to have a credit card

To use PayPal in the Battle.net Shop, your PayPal account must be verified and have a valid credit card or bank account associated to it. If you have trouble verifying your PayPal account contact PayPal Customer Support.

When paying with PayPal, we will attempt to take payment from your existing PayPal balance first. However, if you don't have enough balance for your order, we will charge your associated credit card or bank account instead.

If you don't have a valid credit card or bank account to link to your PayPal, please choose another of our Accepted Payment Methods.