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Using Activision Blizzard's Intellectual Property

Zaktualizowano: 10 mies. temu
ID artykułu: 267198

Najczęstsze problemy

  • I'm an artist and I would like to use Blizzard assets for my videos
  • I want to report a website that is using Blizzard's copyright
  • I have a business and I would like to sell Blizzard branded merchandise 
  • I want to make Overwatch themed t-shirts for our esports team in school

Blizzard Customer Support cannot assist with copyright and intellectual property related queries. 

I want to report someone

If you want to report a person or business for infringing Blizzard's intellectual property please email Blizzard's Hacks team. This includes reports of: 

  • Private WoW servers
  • Websites selling WoW services for real money
  • Businesses that are using Blizzard's art or other intellectual property without a license

Please write only in English. You will not receive a direct reply to your email, but our team will investigate the report and is thankful for your help.

If you want to report a person or business for infringing Activision's intellectual property, please contact Activision Support.

I want to ask for a license

If you have a business or you are an artist or developer and you are looking for a license to use Activision Blizzard's intellectual property, please check our Blizzard's Legal Terms and User Generated Content Agreements and Activision's Legal Terms.

If you are a charitable organization please contact charity@blizzard.com.