Najczęstsze problemy
- I want to play World of Warcraft but only get a black screen
- The game seems to crash, but music is still playing
If you encounter a black screen at startup or during gameplay, follow the steps below to solve the problem.
- Reset your WoW settings through the Blizzard App: Options > Game Settings > Reset In-Game Options button under World of Warcraft
- Overlay incompatibilities can cause black screens and crashes. Your overlay programs may need to be updated or disabled to resolve the issue
- Update your drivers to resolve any compatibility issues
- If your game is using DirectX 12, try switching to DirectX 11. If WoW is using DirectX 11, try switching to DirectX 11 Legacy. World of Warcraft Menu > System > Advanced > Graphics API
- Start the game in windowed mode
- Click the Blizzard icon on the Blizzard app
- Select Game Settings from the Options dropdown menu
- Check the Additional command line arguments box under World of Warcraft
- Type -Windowed in the box and click Done
- Restart the game
- Check your network configuration to find any issues with your firewall, router, or port settings
- Run the Blizzard repair tool to repair any damaged game files
- Uninstall and Reinstall the Blizzard App
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