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Can't Re-Craft Dragonflight Crafted Item

Zaktualizowano: 5 mies. temu
ID artykułu: 328620

Najczęstsze problemy

  • Unable to re-craft after additional gem socket added
  • Cannot recraft my self created item
  • I can't recraft my Unstable Frostfire Belt or craft a new one, I keep getting an error message about

If you are having trouble submitting an order for a recraft (or recrafting it yourself), try the following workarounds:

  • Wait for any temporary item enhancements (e.g., weightstone or rune) to fall off, or remove them by clicking off the buff granted to your character
  • Jeśli przedmiot nie jest w pełni wytrzymały, napraw go
  • If the item's appearance is part of a saved appearance set, remove or replace the appearance in the set
  • If you have at least 2 crafted items equipped, remove all of the crafted items
  • Log out of the game and back in
Try to recraft, or submit the recrafting order, again. If you continue to have trouble after all of these steps, submit a bug report. Customer Support is unable to assist with recrafting orders.