Updated: 1 year ago
Article ID: 24121

Common Problems

We're having problems loading some content. Try reloading this page.
Error Code: BLZBNTBNA000007D0

The desktop app can't display content due to a connection issue or a temporary server issue.

  1. Click on another Game tab and then go back again to refresh the page contents. If the issue persists, try exploring the articles you can see.
  2. If you're using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue.
  3. Update your drivers to resolve any compatibility issues.
  4. Try closing background applications to resolve any software conflicts.
  5. Configure your security software's exception list to allow Blizzard applications to run.
Advanced Troubleshooting
  1. Release and renew your IP and flush your DNS to resolve any network conflicts.
  2. Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn't become flooded with data.
  3. Disable any proxies that may interfere with the login module.

Tried everything here?

If you have tried these steps and still require assistance, visit our Technical Support Forums (World of Warcraft) (StarCraft II) (Diablo III) (Hearthstone) (Heroes of the Storm) (Overwatch) or contact us.