Cannot Add PayPal as Payment Method

Updated: 1 month ago
Article ID: 11092

Common Problems

  • PayPal is not an available option when adding a new payment method
  • Error: "We’re sorry, we weren’t able to set up pre-approved payments at this time. Please try again later. Please return to the merchant and choose another way to pay"

To add PayPal as payment method:

  1. Log into your Payment and Subscription page and click Add Payment Method.
  2. Select PayPal from the drop-down menu, and click Continue to PayPal.
    • If PayPal is not present in the drop-down, verify if you already have a PayPal account linked to your account. Only one PayPal account may be linked.
  3. Log in to your PayPal account.

If PayPal returns the error "We weren't able to set up pre-approved payments", it means your PayPal account is not verified with PayPal. Verifying a PayPal account requires that you add a credit card or bank account to it.

If you have trouble, contact PayPal Customer Support or choose another of our Accepted Payment Methods.

Note: PayPal may not be available in all regions. If you are experiencing issue paying with PayPal contact your local government or financial institution for more information.