Questions About the Brawler's Guild

Updated: 8 months ago
Article ID: 12456

Common Problems

  • What is the Brawler's Guild and how do I join them?
  • Where to find quests for Brawler's Guild?
  • Why is the Brawler's Guild not available?
  • Can I get a reward that I missed from the Brawler's Guild?

Each season of the Brawler's Guild is slightly shorter than the duration of a full expansion. The Brawler's Guild generally ends on the prepatch for the next expansion and does not start again for a few months after the new expansion launches. For Battle for Azeroth, the Brawler's guild started with patch 8.1.5 and ended with patch 9.0.1. The new season for Shadowlands has not yet been announced.

To unlock access to the Brawler's Guild when it is active, you will need to obtain an invitation. Enemies in end-game content do have a chance to drop these, and there is a vendor named A. Shady who sometimes offers the invitation for sale.

Once the next season of the Brawler's Guild is announced, you will be able to find specific and updated information about the new season on community websites.