Character Service Not Delivered

Updated: 5 months ago
Article ID: 331346

Common Problems

  • I purchased a bundle of Character Transfers and nothing was delivered
  • I didn't receive the Character Faction token in-game
  • I gifted a Character Race Change to a friend, and they didn't receive it
  • I bought a Name Change but it's not available in-game

If your problem is about a Character Boost, please use this article.

Gifted Character Services do not appear in-game directly. Gifts must first be claimed from My Gifts or in the App by clicking the gift icon.

Once you claim the gift, the Character Service icon can take some minutes to appear in the character selection screen. Please log off and log in, and check again.

I purchased the service for myself

If you purchased a Character Service (Character Transfer, Faction Change, Race Change, Name Change) and you didn't receive the token in-game, this may be for several reasons:

  • The token delivery may still be in progress. This process may take up to 24 hours.
  • Your payment failed. The token will only be visible in-game if your order is either Pending or Complete. While your payment is Pending, your token will be greyed out. Please check your Transaction History.
  • You must have an active subscription or game time on your WoW account.
  • You were online during purchase. Please log off and log in again.
  • You don't have any character on the realm. Please create a character.
  • You have created a character but you never logged into the world yet. Enter the game at least once, exit the game completely, and re-launch.
  • You purchased the product on the wrong account, region, or version of WoW (for example, Classic instead of Modern WoW). If you made a mistake, you can refund your purchase and try again.

If you checked everything above and the character service token icon didn't appear, contact us.