Common Problems
- Tyrael's Charger is in the Blizzard Shop in Taiwan, why is it not in America?
- I purchased Tyrael's Charger in the Taiwanese Shop but I didn't receive the mount in my European account
- Is there a way to get Tyrael's Charger? I missed the Annual Pass
In-game Shop
Tyrael's Charger was only available in the in-game shop for a limited time and is no longer available for purchase.
For players in Taiwan this mount is permanently available in the Taiwanese Shop. Please note that mounts are only usable in the region you buy them, and if you play in America or Europe, you won't have the mount in-game if you buy it in Taiwan.
Past Promotions
Tyrael's Charger was awarded during by the Annual Pass promotion which ended in 2011.
Customer Support cannot assist with granting this mount.
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