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Too Much Gold To Transfer Or Faction Change

Zaktualizowano: 1 rok temu
ID artykułu: 11101

Najczęstsze problemy

  • How much gold can i transfer with me to a new realm?
  • Error: "You have exceeded the gold limit for faction transfer"
  • Error: "This character's gold exceeds the maximum they can transfer at their level"

Customer Support cannot bypass any of the below restrictions.

Modern WoW

There is no limit to the amount of gold you can bring with your character with a Character Transfer or Faction Change.

WoW Classic Era

Below are the gold limits for a Paid Transfer in WoW Classic Era, depending on the character's level.

Character LevelMaximum Gold

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Below are the gold limits for a Paid Transfer or Faction Change in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, depending on the character's level.

Character LevelMaximum Gold