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Can't Change Classic Engineering Specialization

Aktualisiert: vor 1 Jahr
Artikel-ID: 17838

Bekannte Probleme

  • How do I swap from Gnomish Engineering to Goblin Engineering
  • Book "Soothsaying for Dummies", isn't giving me the option to unlearn my specialization.

Customer Support will not assist with switching professions or specializations.

Modern WoW

You can unlearn your current specialization by speaking with your faction's Engineering trainer, Roxxik (Horde) or Lilliam Sparkspindle (Alliance). After selecting the gossip option to unlearn the specialization you will be able to accept a new quest to learn either Gnomish Engineering or Goblin Engineering.

Note: This applies to Classic specializations only. Dragonflight profession specializations cannot be reset.

WoW Classic

You cannot switch to a new Engineering specialization until you have completed the Show Your Work quest chain for your original specialization. Once you have completed this quest chain, you can switch specializations by abandoning Engineering altogether.

  1. Unlearn Engineering
  2. Re-learn Engineering
  3. Level your skill up to at least 225
  4. Visit Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris and read the book Soothsaying for Dummies from the table next to him

You will now be able to learn a new specialization at the specialization trainer of your choice.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Simply speak with Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris, and for a fee of 150 gold, you can switch your specialization at will. After unlearning your current specialization, use the Book "Soothsaying for Dummies" to pick your new specialization.