Character Stuck - Disconnected When Logging In

Updated: 3 months ago
Article ID: 10581

Common Problems

  • I fell through the world and now I get disconnected when I attempt to access my character
  • I'm stuck in water and my game disconnects before I can move my character
  • I can log into all my characters but one

In many situations, the character is simply stuck online and the error will resolve itself. If your character was disconnected, avoid logging into that character for 15 minutes. You may play on other characters in the mean time. Once 15 minutes have passed, try logging back into the stuck character. If that does not work, please try the following:

  1. Corrupted temporary game data can cause this issue. Resetting the UI can often resolve this
  2. Scanning and Repairing the WoW client can fix problems with the game client itself
  3. Use the self-service option to move your character.
If you still can't login after 15 minutes and following these steps, please contact us for assistance.