Battle.Net App Displaying Wrong Game Time

Updated: 9 months ago
Article ID: 11441

Common Problems

  • The App is not showing the most recent month of game time I added

The App shows the time remaining on a game card, WoW Token, or expiring subscription. It does not display game time if the subscription is active and will charge automatically.

You can see the total amount of game time active on your account by visiting the Management Account Summary page, and clicking on the World of Warcraft account.

If the game time seems to be displaying incorrectly, make sure that the correct WoW game license is selected:

  1. Go to the Desktop Application 
  2. Select the World of Warcraft tab
  3. If there is a drop-down menu just above the "Play" button in the Desktop Application, make sure it is displaying the correct account
If that doesn't fix the issue, reset your password to clear your Blizzard cache and correct the display.

If none of the above resolve your issue, contact us.