Missing Competitor's Tabard or Spirit of Competition Pet
Common Problems
I participated in the "Spirit of Competition" event but I don't have the tabard or the pet that came as rewardThe Spirit of Competition was a 2008 World of Warcraft PvP world event.
Competitor's Tabard
Players who completed battlegrounds during the event, were rewarded the Competitor's Tabard.
When achievements were added to the game, characters with the Competitor's Tabard were granted the Competitor's Tabard achievement.
If you have the Competitor's Tabard Achievement, the tabard's apperance should be available for transmog in your wardrobe. If you wish to have the physical tabard, visit Lyesa Steelbrow in Ironforge or Garyl in Orgrimmar and they will sell it to you.
Spirit of Competition pet
Players who won battlegrounds during the event had a chance to receive the Gold Medallion, which summoned the companion pet Spirit of Competition.
When achievements were added to the game, characters with the Gold Medallion or Spirit of Competition pet were granted the Spirit of Competition Feat of Strengh.
If you have the Spirit of Competition Feat of Strengtn, the pet should be available in your pet collection. If it's missing, contact us for a restoration.
Note: Customer Support will not grant the pet if you only have the Competitor's Tabard achievement. You must have the Spirit of Competition Feat of Strength. Additionally, the character that earned the Feat of Strength must not have been transferred to another Battle.net account.