Can't Queue for Previous Expansion LFR

Updated: 2 years ago
Article ID: 338700

Common Problems

  • Want to do old LFR transmog runs.
  • Can't solo queue for Throne of Thunder.
  • How do I queue up for Antorus Looking for Raid?

A Timewalking Campaign may affect your ability to queue for previous expansion raids on LFR difficulty. If you can't see solo queue gossip options from dedicated NPCs despite meeting the level requirement, talk to Chromie to return to present time, and try again.


To queue for Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, or Sepulcher of the First Ones raids on LFR difficulty, talk to Ta'elfar in Oribos. Your character must be level 61 or above.

Battle for Azeroth

To queue for Uldir, Battle of Dazar'alor, Crucible of Storms, The Eternal Palace, and Ny'alotha, the Waking City raids on LFR difficulty, talk to Eppu in The Great Seal or Kiku in Boralus. Your character must be level 51 or above.


To queue for The Emerald Nightmare, Trial of Valor, The Nighthold, Tomb of Sargeras, and Antorus, the Burning Throne raids on LFR difficulty, talk to Archmage Timear in Legion Dalaran. Your character must be level 46 or above.

Warlords of Draenor

To queue for Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry, and Hellfire Citadel raids on LFR difficulty, talk do Seer Kazal in the garrison. Seer Kazal will be visible outside the Town Hall once you have unlocked your tier 2 of Draenor Garrison. Your character must be level 41 or above.

Mists of Pandaria

To queue for Mogu'shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, Throne of Thunder, and Siege of Orgrimmar raids on LFR difficulty, talk to Lorewalker Han at the Seat of Knowledge in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Your character must be level 35 or above.


The only Cataclysm raid that had an LFR version was Dragon Soul. To queue for it now, speak to Auridormi in Caverns of Time. Your character must be level 35 or above.