App Technical Troubleshooting

Updated: 1 month ago
Article ID: 369411

Common Problems

  • I can not get the App installed
  • My App will not update
  • My Bnet App keeps crashing

If you are having technical problems with the App, use the following troubleshooting:

  1. Restart your computer or mobile device before doing any other troubleshooting. This can resolve many program conflicts and other temporary issues
  2. Uninstall and delete any old versions of the App from your device, and download a new version
  3. Configure your security software to allow our products to function on your device
  4. Optimize your internet connection. Your current setup may not be viable for our app
  5. If all of the above fails, try updating or creating a new Windows account to resolve permission issues with your operating system (Windows 10 and 11 only)

If the previous troubleshooting steps did not resolve the problem, you can ask the Blizzard player community for help on the tech support forums (if available) or other community gaming sites. Local computer or network technicians may also be able to help if you've exhausted all other resources.