Error 3007 or 316704

Updated: 2 years ago
Article ID: 239363

Common Problems

Your connection to the Blizzard service has timed out. Please log in again.
You cannot create a new game. Party members are in a game or party invites are pending.

Error 3007 or 316704 can occur when a computer is unable to maintain a stable connection to our Blizzard servers.

  1. If you're using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue.
  2. Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn't become flooded with data.
  3. Joining General chat can help keep your connection active. To join the General chat channel:
    1. Log in to Diablo III.
    2. Click the cogwheel icon in the chat box on the left side of the screen.
    3. Click Join Public Chat.
    4. Click General.
  4. Try closing background applications to resolve any software conflicts.
Advanced Troubleshooting
  1. Configure your security software's exception list to allow Blizzard applications to run.
  2. Release and renew your IP and flush your DNS to resolve any network conflicts.
  3. Deleting the cache folder can resolve problems with the logon module.
  4. Repair Disk Permissions to resolve any permission conflicts with logon modules.

Tried everything here?

If you have tried all of these steps and still require assistance, please visit our Technical Support Forum or contact us.