Error: We Can’t Find That Account
Updated: 5 months ago
Article ID: 274175
Common Problems
- I can't log in to with my email
- My email is correct but it says my account isn't found
- Error: "We couldn't find a account with that information"
You will receive this error if you enter the wrong email or password in the App login window.
To resolve this error:
- Exit the App completely. To do this, right-click on the icon on the system tray, then select Log Out or Exit
- Launch the app again
- If you use a password manager with auto-fill service, delete the pre-filled email and password
- Type in your email and password manually
If the problem continues, check below.
Wrong Email
- If you have multiple emails, make sure that you are entering the correct one
- If you have saved a phone number to your account, try to log in using that phone number
Wrong Password
- Check if you have Caps Lock on —the input box is case sensitive
- If you have multiple keyboard languages or layouts installed, check which one you have enabled
- Try typing your password on a notepad so you can see what you are typing
If you still can't log in, reset your password. If you don't receive a password reset email, it means you are entering the wrong email. If you forgot your email, contact us.
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