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How to Mail Battle.net Account-Bound Items

Zaktualizowano: 1 rok temu
ID artykułu: 12907

Najczęstsze problemy

  • How do I send heirlooms via mail to other characters on another realm?
  • Can I send my weapons to my alt on the other faction?

You can mail Battle.net Account-bound items to your other characters that reside on a different realm or faction on the same Battle.net account. To send cross-realm mail you need to enter the character's name, a hyphen "-", and the name of their server with no spaces: Character-RealmName.

Formatting examples:
  • Character-Lightbringer
  • Character-AltarofStorms
  • Character-Blade'sEdge

To quickly locate a character:

  1. Type the character name
  2. Press the tab key
  3. Select the appropriate name/realm combination from the dropdown menu

Note: You cannot send gold or non-Battle.net Account-bound items cross-server or cross-faction. If you add anything that is not a BoA item to the mail, it will not send.