Missing World of Warcraft "Vanilla" Collector's Edition Pet

Updated: 1 year ago
Article ID: 246344

Common Problems

  • I am missing my original WoW Collector's Edition pets in WoW Classic
  • I claimed the Vanilla CE on my account, I have the pets on retail, but not on Classic or Burning Crusade Classic
  • I deleted the pet, how can I restore it?
  • I have one of the pets, but not the others. They should be three

If you have claimed an original World of Warcraft Collector's Edition code on your account, all three pet rewards will be automatically added to your pet Collection on Modern WoW and will be usable account-wide.

In WoW Classic and Burning Crusade Classic, instead, you will need to complete a quest to claim your pet, and you will have to choose one of the three: the Zergling Leash, or the Panda Collar,  or the Diablo Stone. You cannot have all three. If you have multiple WoW accounts, only the WoW Classic characters on the WoW account upgraded to CE will have the quest available. 

Once you chose your pet, it will be a physical item that takes space in your inventory and, if you delete it, is not possible to restore it. Customer Support doesn't assist with restoring deleted pets, nor with swapping a pet for another.